Saturday, February 4, 2023

sonia delaunay!!!!!!

 so , having spent such a glorious time with two enthusiasts and knowers and writers and curators- art historians about  Sonia Delaunay, Laura Microulis  of the Stupefyinglying interesting Bard Graduate School, and Waleria Dorogova, i am now, don't know what time it is, writing a daily (well, intermittently everything, I am very intermittent by nature, don't know about upbringing, never really got upbrought) intervention. 

Have been reading,, thanks to Laura, the big and extraordinary book about Eileen Gray, who was brought to attention of everyone in Paris on the left bank, will be followed by just such an exhibition of Sonia Delaunay in February of next year. Because I am, thanks to my husband, Boyce Bennett ( a pathologist and great-hearted man) the owner of a large tapestry, we are in touch and happily. (who else would think to bring me and my husband two croissants? and two palmiers, well-toasted and golden-brown?

I remain plunged into Brian Dillon's Afinities: of Art and Fascination, am reviewing for the Brooklyn Rail and have loved for years all his writing!  A very Long time ago, because of something surrealist at some great gallery, I got to do an interview with him and have been an avid devourer of his writing since then. In my very partisan view i find Peter Schejdahl's and his writing the very most devourable of all writings. 

And have been invited and of course accepted to write an 800 word review of Katy Roger's scintillating Yale  publication f Robert Motherwelll 's /DRAWINGS , so tellingly and magnificently heavy\that we assume  is no further trouble. ,Could you believe it?\ I have to ask help to MOVE it to wherever you want it to be.

Turns out my recent Mina Loy: Apology for Genius (REaktion, 2022) reviewed somewhat differently in 

the NYRB and the London thing, gets to be in a podcast for the International Biography something, I forget titles, but I better take another look It is relaly a book about her poetry in its varrious dresses and moment and Arthur Cravan, which neither review even Mentions!!!!

grrrr. Mary Ann signing off

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