Monday, April 23, 2012

who knew!

like: who is reading this meandering thing? thanks for all of you from , well, here and there, who let me know,
I don't mind writing in the desert, hey, I write in New york (that's a kind of ironic/sicko/happy joke)

1 comment:

Mackinnon said...

Well, Mary Ann Caws, I read your blog. I am about to present a paper on Czeslaw Milosz and Rene Char to a group of French graduate students who know neither poet..a true pity in my opinion. I like reading about your reactions to New York, but also of various goings on, literary, artistic and otherwise.

Like your glasses, I left my paintbrush at my salon, it was holding up my uncut hair and serving as an emergency inspiration art tool. Now my hair is cut and my brush alone in Lawrence Kansas, high above Massachusetts street.

regards from a mutual admirer of Char and other things,

Molly Mackinnon